Thank you for your interest in participating in the South Dakota Week of Work, a valuable time for students to explore career opportunities in their communities and across the state.

+ What will happen during the
Week of Work?Schools will be able to participate in the South Dakota Week of Work in a variety of ways:
- Local opportunities Consider engaging local businesses to host students for job shadows or informational interviews in a manner safe for everyone.
- Use this Celebration Kit to engage with and celebrate SD Week of Work with your local community partners.
- Celebrate success Does your school already have robust work-based learning programs in place? Have you been able to provide opportunities for students this year despite the challenging environment? Use this week to celebrate everything you have done to prepare students for their next steps, even in the midst of a pandemic.
+ How do we participate?
- If engaging locally, reach out to your community to explore what safe opportunities may be available to students. Need help? Contact us at for tips or to connect with local resources.
- Access the library of pre-recorded virtual panels and career videos to share with your students.
- Please share your photos and success stories with us by using #SDWeekofWork on social media or email us at (whether celebrating the Week of Work virtually or with experiences throughout your community).
+ Resources
- Celebration Kit
- Week of Work Panelist Discussion Guide
- SDMyLife - Educators
- Career Exploration: Labor Market Research
- Visit the CareerReadySDt for additional resources.
+ Questions?
- Contact Kristin Larson with questions.
Career Ready SD
Panel Discussion Videos