Thank you for your interest in offering career exploration opportunities to South Dakota students.
The South Dakota Week of Work can provide you valuable exposure as an employer. By giving students a look at a day in the life of your business, you can help shape the state's future workforce and you just might meet future employees.
If you are business interested in hosting students during the SD Week of Work or providing other career-connected learning opportunities, DLR Career Ready Advisors are available to help.

+ How do I participate?
We will share upcoming information in the DLR Employer Connection E-Newsletter. Click the link to Subscribe
- Are you interested in partnering with schools to provide career-connected learning opportunities to students in your community? Download the SD Week of Work Business Toolkit for resources to help.
- Subscribe to the DLR Employer Connection E-Newsletter to receive updates.
- If conditions allow, consider offering in-person opportunities during the Week of Work, or anytime:
- Job shadows or assistance connecting with schools through your local DLR Job Service
- Contact a local school about being a guest speaker in a classroom
+ Resources
- Business Timeline
- Business and Industry Guide to Work-based Learning
Guidance for helping business and industry connect with the future workforce through meaningful career connected learning experiences.
+ Questions?
Career Ready SD Business Toolkit